General Blasting Prices

Crushed Glass      $150                           
Fine Glass              $160     
Walnut Blasting    $190     
Soda Blasting        $200   
*Per blasting hour 

Dry Ice                    $300 *Per blasting hour plus media   

General Painting Prices

$200 for the first gallon plus materials

$100 per gallon after first gallon plus materials

Other Services

Fiberglass repair:

​$175 per hour

Metal work\ welding:

$125 per hour plus materials

Mobile Blasting Prices

*4 Hour Min for mobile blasting                           
+ $400.00 mobile charge per day and mileage

*mileage is $2.00 per mile each way

We charge $50 per man hour for General Labor

hourly rate is for comparison only                           
- actual price given in writing before work is started

Basic Price List of Common Parts

*Powder Coating prices are for basic red, white, or black colors.

·      Custom colors are based on individual price per-pound with shipping.

·      2 stage powders are total cost + ½ of total cost (before powder) + price of the powder



Patio Furniture:

Blast Powder Total


$45 $55 $100

Table (4-foot round)

$70 $80 $150


$85 $90 $175


Rims: Blast Powder Total

Motorcycle $25 $35 $60

8-11” $25 $35 $60

12-15” $30 $40 $70

16-18” $42 $53 $95

19-23” $47 $63 $110

24”- Plus $53 $77 $130

*Prices include media blasting and powder coating red, white, or black colors.

·   Wheels with chrome or previously powder coated are subject to additional cost based on time needed to blast to bare metal.

·  Wheels need to have plastic inserts or plastic bolts on the faces removed before coating. Additional fee for removal.

·   Wheels must have all wheel weights and valve stems removed. Additional fee for removal.



  Blast Paint Total

4 x 8 w/wood deck IN/short side

$200 $200 $400

4 x 8 w/wood deck OUT/short side

$250 $250 $500

10-16 ft. w/wood deck IN/short side

$300 $300 $600

10-16 ft. w/wood deck OUT/short side

$350 $350 $700


Boat Trailer (10-12ft)

$150 (+$10/ft) $150 (+$10/ft) $300

Jon Boat (10-12ft) (½ in, ½ out)

$400 $400 $800

2 Horse Trailer/Outside

$500 $800 $1300

2 Horse Trailer/inside

$300 $400 $800

4 Horse Trailer/Outside

$800 $1000 $1800

4 Horse Trailer/inside

$500 $500 $1000

·  $25/ additional ft ($50/ft for blast and paint)

·  Steel Deck- $10/ additional ft ($20/ft for blast and paint)

·  Boat Trailer- $10/ additional ft ($20/ft for blast and paint)

· High side expanded metal- Add $50 if <8 ft \ $100 if >8 ft (price includes blast and paint)

· Expanded Metal deck- Add $50 if <8 ft \ $100 if >8 ft (price includes blast and paint)

·  Goose Neck-Add $50 to blast/$50 to paint

·  Additional fee for toolbox


Truck and Car parts:

Standard Prices for most situations – Prices may vary based on condition and size


Blast Prime/Powder Total

Small Car/Truck (in and outside)

$1600 $1350 $2950

 Outside painted surfaces (car)

$800 $800 $1600

Car Shell (in & out-no door/hood)

$700 $700 $1200

Truck Cab/Bed/Jeep Tub (in & out)

$400 $400 $800

Engine Compartment/Trunk

$200 $200 $400

Underneath Vehicle

$250 $300 $550



$100 $75 $175


$300 $200 $500

Trunk deck lid

$200 $150 $350

Frame: Small car/truck/Jeep

$400 $400 $800

Frame: Large car/truck

$500 $450 $950


Individual A-Arm (lower or upper)

$15 $15 $30


$75 $60 $135

Inner Fenders

$40 $40 $80

Core supports

$65 $65 $130


Standard bumper

$50 $50 $100

Heavy Duty Bumper

$150 $100 $250

Brush Guards\Large Bumpers Must See to Quote


Valve covers V8 (baffles removed)

$25 $25 $50

Intake V8

$30 $30 $60

Axles (housing only)

$75 $75 $150

Motorcycle Frame

$100 $100 $200


Railing and Fences:

$3.00 sq. ft. Blast

$2.00 sq. ft. to Paint/Powder


*All Prices are an estimate and are subject to change.



    Transparent Pricing for Exceptional Restoration

    Explore our Pricing Page to find detailed and affordable solutions tailored to meet your specific restoration needs. We believe in clear communication, ensuring you have a comprehensive understanding of the investment in your project.

    Basic Price List of Common Parts

    *Powder Coating prices are for basic red, white, or black colors.

    ·      Custom colors are based on individual price per-pound with shipping.

    ·      2 stage powders are total cost + ½ of total cost (before powder) + price of the powder

    Patio Furniture:

      Blast Powder Total

    Chair $45 $55 $100

    Table (4-foot round) $70 $80 $150

    Lounger/Swing/Couch $85 $90 $175



      Blast Powder Total

    Motorcycle $25 $35 $60

    8-11” $25 $35 $60

    12-15” $30 $40 $70

    16-18” $42 $53 $95

    19-23” $47 $63 $110

    24”- Plus $53 $77 $130

    *Prices include media blasting and powder coating red, white, or black colors.

    ·   Wheels with chrome or previously powder coated are subject to additional cost based on time needed to blast to bare metal.

    ·  Wheels need to have plastic inserts or plastic bolts on the faces removed before coating. Additional fee for removal.

    ·   Wheels must have all wheel weights and valve stems removed. Additional fee for removal.


      Blast Paint Total

    4 x 8 w/wood deck IN/short side $200 $200 $400

    4 x 8 w/wood deck OUT/short side $250 $250 $500

    10-16 ft. w/wood deck IN/short side $300 $300 $600

    10-16 ft. w/wood deck OUT/short side $350 $350 $700


    Boat Trailer (10-12ft) $150 (+$10/ft) $150 (+$10/ft) $300

    Jon Boat (10-12ft) (½ in, ½ out) $400 $400 $800

    2 Horse Trailer/Outside $500 $800 $1300

    2 Horse Trailer/inside $300 $400 $800

    4 Horse Trailer/Outside $800 $1000 $1800

    4 Horse Trailer/inside $500 $500 $1000

    ·         $25/ additional ft ($50/ft for blast and paint)

    ·         Steel Deck- $10/ additional ft ($20/ft for blast and paint)

    ·         Boat Trailer- $10/ additional ft ($20/ft for blast and paint)

    ·         High side expanded metal- Add $50 if <8 ft \ $100 if >8 ft (price includes blast and paint)

    ·         Expanded Metal deck- Add $50 if <8 ft \ $100 if >8 ft (price includes blast and paint)

    ·         Goose Neck-Add $50 to blast/$50 to paint

    ·         Additional fee for toolbox

    Truck and Car parts:

    Standard Prices for most situations – Prices may vary based on condition and size

      Blast Prime/Powder Total

    Small Car/Truck (in and outside) $1600 $1350 $2950

     Outside painted surfaces (car) $800 $800 $1600

    Car Shell (in & out-no door/hood) $700 $700 $1200

    Truck Cab/Bed/Jeep Tub (in & out) $400 $400 $800

    Engine Compartment/Trunk $200 $200 $400

    Underneath Vehicle $250 $300 $550


    Door $100 $75 $175

    Hood $300 $200 $500

    Trunk deck lid $200 $150 $350

    Frame: Small car/truck/Jeep $400 $400 $800

    Frame: Large car/truck $500 $450 $950


    Individual A-Arm (lower or upper) $15 $15 $30

    Fender $75 $60 $135

    Inner Fenders $40 $40 $80

    Core supports $65 $65 $130


    Standard bumper $50 $50 $100

    Heavy Duty Bumper $150 $100 $250

    Brush Guards\Large Bumpers Must See to Quote


    Valve covers V8 (baffles removed) $25 $25 $50

    Intake V8 $30 $30 $60

    Axles (housing only) $75 $75 $150

    Motorcycle Frame $100 $100 $200


    Railing and Fences:

    $3.00 sq. ft. Blast $2.00 sq. ft. to Paint/Powder

    *All Prices are an estimate and are subject to change.

    General Blasting Prices

    Crushed Glass      $150     per blasting hour                          
    Fine Glass              $160     per blasting hour
    Walnut Blasting    $190     per blasting hour
    Soda Blasting        $200     per blasting hour
    Dry Ice                    $300     per blasting hour plus media

    General Painting Prices

    $200 for the first gallon plus materials

    $100 per gallon after first gallon plus materials

    Other Services

    Fiberglass repair:

    ​$175 per hour

    Metal work\ welding:

    $125 per hour plus materials

    Mobile Blasting Prices

    *4 Hour Min for mobile blasting + $400.00 mobile charge per day and mileage

    *mileage is $2.00 per mile each way

    We charge $50 per man hour for General Labor (prepping)

    hourly rate is for comparison only - actual price given in writing before work is started



    Basic Price List of Common Parts

    *Powder Coating prices are for basic red, white, or black colors.

    ·      Custom colors are based on individual price per-pound with shipping.

    ·      2 stage powders are total cost + ½ of total cost (before powder) + price of the powder

    Patio Furniture:

      Blast Powder Total

    Chair $45 $55 $100

    Table (4-foot round) $70 $80 $150

    Lounger/Swing/Couch $85 $90 $175



      Blast Powder Total

    Motorcycle $25 $35 $60

    8-11” $25 $35 $60

    12-15” $30 $40 $70

    16-18” $42 $53 $95

    19-23” $47 $63 $110

    24”- Plus $53 $77 $130

    *Prices include media blasting and powder coating red, white, or black colors.

    ·   Wheels with chrome or previously powder coated are subject to additional cost based on time needed to blast to bare metal.

    ·  Wheels need to have plastic inserts or plastic bolts on the faces removed before coating. Additional fee for removal.

    ·   Wheels must have all wheel weights and valve stems removed. Additional fee for removal.


      Blast Paint Total

    4 x 8 w/wood deck IN/short side $200 $200 $400

    4 x 8 w/wood deck OUT/short side $250 $250 $500

    10-16 ft. w/wood deck IN/short side $300 $300 $600

    10-16 ft. w/wood deck OUT/short side $350 $350 $700


    Boat Trailer (10-12ft) $150 (+$10/ft) $150 (+$10/ft) $300

    Jon Boat (10-12ft) (½ in, ½ out) $400 $400 $800

    2 Horse Trailer/Outside $500 $800 $1300

    2 Horse Trailer/inside $300 $400 $800

    4 Horse Trailer/Outside $800 $1000 $1800

    4 Horse Trailer/inside $500 $500 $1000

    ·         $25/ additional ft ($50/ft for blast and paint)

    ·         Steel Deck- $10/ additional ft ($20/ft for blast and paint)

    ·         Boat Trailer- $10/ additional ft ($20/ft for blast and paint)

    ·         High side expanded metal- Add $50 if <8 ft \ $100 if >8 ft (price includes blast and paint)

    ·         Expanded Metal deck- Add $50 if <8 ft \ $100 if >8 ft (price includes blast and paint)

    ·         Goose Neck-Add $50 to blast/$50 to paint

    ·         Additional fee for toolbox

    Truck and Car parts:

    Standard Prices for most situations – Prices may vary based on condition and size

      Blast Prime/Powder Total

    Small Car/Truck (in and outside) $1600 $1350 $2950

     Outside painted surfaces (car) $800 $800 $1600

    Car Shell (in & out-no door/hood) $700 $700 $1200

    Truck Cab/Bed/Jeep Tub (in & out) $400 $400 $800

    Engine Compartment/Trunk $200 $200 $400

    Underneath Vehicle $250 $300 $550


    Door $100 $75 $175

    Hood $300 $200 $500

    Trunk deck lid $200 $150 $350

    Frame: Small car/truck/Jeep $400 $400 $800

    Frame: Large car/truck $500 $450 $950


    Individual A-Arm (lower or upper) $15 $15 $30

    Fender $75 $60 $135

    Inner Fenders $40 $40 $80

    Core supports $65 $65 $130


    Standard bumper $50 $50 $100

    Heavy Duty Bumper $150 $100 $250

    Brush Guards\Large Bumpers Must See to Quote


    Valve covers V8 (baffles removed) $25 $25 $50

    Intake V8 $30 $30 $60

    Axles (housing only) $75 $75 $150

    Motorcycle Frame $100 $100 $200


    Railing and Fences:

    $3.00 sq. ft. Blast $2.00 sq. ft. to Paint/Powder

    *All Prices are an estimate and are subject to change.

    General Blasting Prices

    Crushed Glass      $150     per blasting hour                          
    Fine Glass              $160     per blasting hour
    Walnut Blasting    $190     per blasting hour
    Soda Blasting        $200     per blasting hour
    Dry Ice                    $300     per blasting hour plus media

    General Painting Prices

    $200 for the first gallon plus materials

    $100 per gallon after first gallon plus materials

    Other Services

    Fiberglass repair:

    ​$175 per hour

    Metal work\ welding:

    $125 per hour plus materials

    Mobile Blasting Prices

    *4 Hour Min for mobile blasting + $400.00 mobile charge per day and mileage

    *mileage is $2.00 per mile each way

    We charge $50 per man hour for General Labor (prepping)

    hourly rate is for comparison only - actual price given in writing before work is started